Complete Plant Health
Increased crop health and yield starts from the roots. Bio-Gro's three-step approach sets your crop off right by growing stronger roots and rejuvenating soils. Healthier roots improve nutrient efficiency, while our custom blends ensure your field gets just what nutrients it needs. Bio-Gro brings value to your season, building a stronger, healthier, well-set crop, ready to face the stressors of its environment.
Optimized Farm Logistics
Our product technology can deliver a blend customized for your specific field needs. Bio-Gro utilizes in-field measurements to create detailed application rate calculations and recommendations, improving input accuracy and reducing passes. Reduce your number of containers, reduce your margin for error, reduce your application time, increase your crop’s productivity.
Bio-Gro products
Check out our extensive list of products, or contact us for a custom blend tailored for your specific needs.
“California is a very competitive market full of many options for good products for growers and dealers. Bio-Gro is our go-to vendor for products when we need creative options, value for the dollar, and consistent performance.
Our tree and vine growers demand innovative and effective answers for their demanding crop nutritional need. Bio-Gro supplies us with the products, know how, and support we need to provide these answers, with real value, to our growers.”
Carl Gwilliam | Tulare AG Products, Owner
Bio-Gro manufactures over 130 product formulations
Bio-Gro, Inc. manufactures over 130 individual product formulations, and provides customers the ability to design unique custom blends, based on specific soil needs.
Our core business is humic acid and biofertilizer production. However, it takes a complete fertility approach to produce consistent results.
Our specialty is the development of precision fertilizer and production systems that give our customers the highest yields and quality.